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About us
Marexim s.r.o.
a company with tradition since 1994 offers wide assortment of clothing and bed linen fabrics, knittings and components, especially in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary and other EU countries.
We are leading importer and distributor of workwear and protectivewear fabrics in Europe.
Our main source are from India, Pakistan or China.
Our company provides exclusive representative of many reputable textile mills, e.g. Klopman International in CZ and SK or ITW Nexus Europe (plastic components) etc.
Garment business can be arranged in cooperation with our sister company Profod s.r.o. offering also large assortment of Personal protective equipment and hotel equipment.
There are always more than 1.000.000 mts of fabrics in our warehouse for immediate shipment.
Longterm contracts are produced on request and hold on stock for flexible deliveries according to customer’s needs.
Zde si můžete stáhnout katalogy tkani pro pracovnà i ochranné oděvy i pro konfekčnà oděvy ve formátu PDF.
Tkaniny pro pracovnà a ochranné oděvy
Tkaniny firmy Klopman International
K prohlĂĹľenĂ katalogĹŻ ve formátu PDF vyuĹľijte program Adobe Reader.
Fabrics MarexiM

Tkaniny pro profesnà oděvy = výroba Asie,
všechny artikly skladem, dodávky do 24 hodin.
Fabrics for professional garments = Asia production,
all articles on stock, shipment within 24 hours.
Fabrics for professional garments = Asia production,
all articles on stock, shipment within 24 hours.
Fabrics Klopman

Tkaniny pro profesnà oděvy = výroba Evropa,
všechny artikly skladem, dodávky do 24 hodin.
Fabrics for professional garments = Europe production,
selected articles on stock, shipment within 24 hours.
Fabrics for professional garments = Europe production,
selected articles on stock, shipment within 24 hours.
Plastic buckles ITW Nexus

Plastové kovánà vyráběné v Evropě, Asii i USA,
vybrané artikly skladem, dodávky do 24 hodin.
Plastic buckles from Europe, Asia and USA,
selected articles on stock, shipment within 24 hours.
Plastic buckles from Europe, Asia and USA,
selected articles on stock, shipment within 24 hours.
New stretch line SOFLEX 180, SOFLEX 215 and SOFLEX 250 for corporate garments a RIPFLEX 215 for uniforms.
Recently we enlarge colour assortment of pure cotton twill SOMAX 165 and brand TENCEL 200 into hospitals.
Kindly ask for Catalogue of MxM fabrics 2025Â = wide assortment of ww & pw fabrics, incl. fabrics for bed linen.
Expert advice, inquiries:
obchod@marexim.cz   Tomáš Urban +420 724 137 060
trade@marexim.cz   Tomas Likler +420 724 137 061
Procurement, sourcing: Â marketing@marexim.cz
trade@marexim.cz   Herr Tomas Likler +420 724 137 061
Customer service, orders:
- Tkaniny Marexim:   pracovni@marexim.cz +420 774 008 529
- Tkaniny Klopman:   klopman@marexim.cz  +420 730 155 494
- Plastové kovánà ITW Nexus:  ladka@marexim.cz +420 730 155 494
- Fabrics assortment:   pracovni@marexim.cz +420 774 008 529
- Plastic buckles ITW Nexus:  ladka@marexim.cz +420 730 155 494
- Fabrics assortment:   pracovni@marexim.cz +420 774 008 529
- Plastic buckles ITW Nexus:  ladka@marexim.cz +420 730 155 494
- Skladový areál Molitorov,  tel: +420 774 008 530
- 49 st. 59´51. 485″ N, 14 st. 57´35. 213″ E
- Warehouse Molitorov
- 49 st. 59´51. 485″ N, 14 st. 57´35. 213″ E
- Warenhaus Molitorov
- 49 st. 59´51. 485″ N, 14 st. 57´35. 213″ E
Branch offices:
- kancelář Pražská/Praha: Pražská 1470/18b, 102 00 Praha 10
- kancelář Malešická/Praha: Malešická 73, 108 00 Praha 10
- kancelář JH: Klášterská 140/II., 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec
- branch office Prazska/Praha: Prazska 1470/18b, 102 00 Prague 10, Czech republic
- branch office Malesicka/Praha: Malesicka 73, 108 00 Prague 10, Czech republic
- sales office JH: Klasterska 140/II., 377 01 Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech republic
- branch office Prazska/Praha: Prazska 1470/18b, 102 00 Prague 10, Czech republic
- branch office Malesicka/Praha: Malesicka 73, 108 00 Prague 10, Czech republic
- sales office JH: Klasterska 140/II., 377 01 Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech republic
Invoice datas:
Palackého 715/15, 110 00 Praha 1 IČO: 25750798 DIČ: CZ25750798
Palackeho 715/15, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech republic
Palackeho 715/15, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech republic